ABA Agencies

We Provide ABA Written Orders

Many children need to be seen regularly in order to assess the need for continued ABA services. In order to ensure families do not lose access to this vital intervention an updated order is needed each year. We provide written orders for ABA after a visit to review the child’s progress and needs. We can also see children to address common concerns such as sleep difficulties, social skills, and behavior problems.

Our Process

  1. We can do a full review of previous diagnostic records along with a review of a previous order is applicable.
  2. We will schedule a one hour visit with our psychologist to review concerns and needs of the family while also reviewing the previous goals to ensure it is comprehensive.
  3. We can complete the written order and have it faxed or sent directly to the agency and family
  4. We welcome BCBA’s to attend and help facilitate.

Become a Referral Partner

Please reach out to our Provider Relations Manager Mark Pagano for more information at partner.relations@meliora-health.com or give us a call at 855-675-1849

We look forward to working with you!

Autism and ADHD Evaluations

We provide autism and ADHD evaluations from the comfort of your home with little to no wait.

Get the diagnostic evaluation your child or teen needs now, online, with Meliora’s team of psychologists, speech language pathologists, board certified behavior analysts (BCBA), and developmental pediatricians.

No waiting, no referral required.